
Massive Win! Grassroots Defendants Defeat Consortium of Far-Left NGOs in Colorado Court

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Defendants Holly Kasun, Col. Shawn Smith, and pro se defendant Ashe Epp


David struck a crushing blow to Goliath in Federal Court yesterday in Denver, Colorado.

The Gateway Pundit reported all this week from the courthouse in Denver, CO on a First Amendment election-related case involving a grassroots organization that was being sued by a consortium of non-governmental organizations, some of which have been waging lawfare against former President Donald J. Trump recently.

In the case, CO, MT, WY State Area Conference of the NAACP v Shawn Smith et al., plaintiffs alleged that the defendants had violated the Voting Rights Act and the Ku Klux Klan Act with the grassroots organization, US Election Integrity Plan (USEIP),