
Colorado County Clerk: Shocking “Feature” on Dominion ImageCast Central Tabulators Allows Mail-in Ballots Results to Display BEFORE Election Day

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In the 2020 Presidential Election, several states took an excessive amount of time to process and tabulate mail-in ballots after universal and/or no-excuse mail-in balloting was permitted in most states due to COVID fears.  According to an article by the Washington Post, 27 states allowed early processing of mail-in ballots in 2020.  That number has since ballooned to 43 states in total.

The WaPo article titled “Pennsylvania presidential election results could again take days to count” was highlighting the Keystone State’s refusal to adopt legislation that would permit this mail-in ballot processing.  The Democrat-led House passed a bill to allow early counting, but it was not brought to a vote in the Republican-led State Senate:

“Despite widespread calls for change,