
Ben Bergquam and Terry Newsome Expose Chicago Holiday Inn Housing Illegal Immigrants Leading Up to DNC Convention

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By Paul Drabik

Terry Newsome outside an illegel immigrant shelter in Chicago, Illinois.

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice and Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast have become a formidable investigative reporting duo in Chicago. The two have collaborated over the last year and half to expose the human tragedy of the illegal immigration crisis in the sanctuary City of Chicago. Gateway Pundit has reported on their previous efforts including a confrontation of suspected illegals seemingly conducting illegal activity.  On this occasion Bergquam follows as Newsome leads him through the neighborhood he grew up in on the Southside of Chicago. Bergquam’s tweet below has garnered almost 900K views.

Governor Pritzker and Mayor Johnson moving illegals out of downtown Chicago to the south side so that you don’t see it during the DNC Convention next month.