
Satanic Rapper Lil Nas Threatens to Rape ‘Gun Girl’ Kaitlin Bennett’s Father During Twitter Spat

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Satanic rapper Lil Nas said he might rape Kaitlin Bennett’s father during a spat on Twitter.

“Lil Nas just threatened to rape my dad. Sounds about what I’d expect,” Bennett tweeted with a screenshot.

The exchange began when Bennett tweeted that she was happy to be blocked by the rapper, who made headlines this week for Satanic sneakers containing human blood and a music video in which he gives Satan a lap dance.

It’s week like these that I’m thankful to be blocked by Lil Nas X pic.twitter.com/Fqn4tRzk98

— Kaitlin Bennett (@KaitMarieox) March 29, 2021

Things escalated quickly from there, as Lil Nas tweeted “i still see ur tweets shitty pants,” referring to a cruel internet meme in which “feminists” on the left have spread a photo of a half naked girl that had an… accident… and claimed that it is Bennett.