
Feds Tried To Break J6 Hostage Zachary Rehl…FAFO

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*** Please Support Zachary Rehl’s legal battles and family here. ****

Days after the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Zachary Rehl — the Marine Corps veteran, former Proud Boys Philadelphia chapter leader, and Jan. 6 political hostage serving a 15-year sentence for wrongthink — sent The Gateway Pundit a message for the wicked globalists who prey on America’s downfall and dance on our graves.

Perhaps, after the feds raided Rehl’s home in a pre-dawn raid dragging him out of the arms of his six-month pregnant wife, they would have allowed him to return home if he disavowed his the feds would have allowed him to return home to his pregnant wife if only he disavowed his support of Trump and cast blame the administration others for his actions.