
Hacker Group Anonymous Venezuela Breaks into Maduro’s Communist Party Data Base – Posts Photos of Regime Thugs Responsible for Latest Street Killing

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Earlier in the week following the stolen election in Venezuela the Anonymous hacker group announced they were declaring war on the “dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

Anonymous warned the freedom protesters to cover their faces and wear clothing without logos so they could not be identified.

Anonymous le declara la guerra a la dictadura de Nicolás Maduro. Y rompió los fuegos tirándose abajo el sitio oficial de la Presidencia de Venezuela. Anonymous ESTÁ con el pueblo libre de Vnezuela: Cubranse la cara y utilizen ropa sin logos para que no sean identificados. pic.twitter.com/ukNQhcj4Dl

— Reacción Nacional (@RNacional_News) August 2, 2024

The Anonymous hacker group broke in to communist tyrant Nicolas Maduro’s data base in Venezuela on Friday.