
Mike Benz: US Defense Department Is Paying BILLIONS to Major Ad Agencies Who Censor and Ban Ads to Independent News Sites Like The Gateway Pundit

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Mike Benz joins host Dave Brat on The War Room, Aug. 3, 2024.

Former State Department official, Mike Benz, the founder of the Foundation for Freedom Online joined Dave Brat Saturday on The War Room to discuss the government censorship complex.  During their discussion Benz revealed that the US Defense Department is paying billions in taxpayer funds to major ad agencies who isolate, censor, smear, and ban ads to independent media outlets like The Gateway Pundit.

The Gateway Pundit continues to fight against the government censorship complex as a major plaintiff in the ongoing Murthy v. Missouri lawsuit that recently was kicked back to the appellate courts.

As many of our readers already know – The Gateway Pundit is one of the most censored,