
Flashback: Biden Regime and International Donors Send $80 Million Every 2 Weeks to Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan Amidst Reports of Funds Being Misappropriated, Says Government Watchdog

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The Biden regime and other international donors provide around $80 million in aid to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan every two weeks, the Free Beacon reported back in November 2023.

The Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the U.S. government’s leading oversight authority on Afghanistan reconstruction, has reported that the Biden regime and other international donors are inadvertently fueling the Taliban’s coffers.

Despite the Biden administration’s assurances to the contrary, around $80 million in aid is funneled into Taliban-controlled Afghanistan every two weeks. This aid, intended for humanitarian projects, is being siphoned off by the Taliban through various means, including fraudulent nonprofits.

According to SIGAR, the United Nations sends “cash shipments” to Afghanistan every 10 to 14 days.