
EVERYTHING IS STAGED! Kamala Harris Caught in Canned and Rehearsed Speech – Nothing is Genuine (VIDEO)

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Credit: Jesse Watters Primetime Screenshot

Despite the media’s best efforts to portray Kamala Harris as the second coming of Barack Obama, she is a mediocre politician without an original thought in her body.

In fact, Harris is so robotic that she resorts to plagiarizing herself in campaign speeches while somehow escaping media scrutiny.

Jesse Watters shared footage of two Harris speeches on Wednesday: one in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and the other in Detroit, Michigan. He showcased them side-by-side to show Harris repeating herself word-for-word and even showing similar facial expressions throughout.

The end result is hilarious and pathetic at the same time.


Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

WATTERS: The media is treating Kamala like she’s vulnerable and needs protection because she does.