
Newport Beach Mayor Delivers Powerful Rebuke to Tim Walz Upon Hearing of His Planned Visit: ‘Welcome to the City That Did Not Allow Protestors to Burn Out Local Businesses’

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Tim Walz and Will O’Neill

In a pointed response to news of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s upcoming visit to Newport Beach, the city’s Republican Mayor delivered a scathing rebuke that highlighted the stark contrast between the liberal policies of Minnesota and the conservative governance of Newport Beach.

Walz is scheduled to attend a fundraising reception in Newport Beach on August 13, 2024, hosted by prominent local donors, including Anne Earhart, Janet Keller, Bernie Schneider, and others.

Tim Walz to Newport Beach. pic.twitter.com/08Sd5YPSdU

— Teddy Schleifer (@teddyschleifer) August 10, 2024

In a public statement, the Mayor of Newport Beach, Will O’Neill, didn’t mince words as he welcomed Governor Walz to a city that prides itself on effective governance and conservative principles:

As the Mayor of Newport Beach,