
No One Is Fooled: Even China-Russia-Iran Alliance Nations See How Horribly Biased and Dishonest US Media Is Today

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The US media collective received their talking points and panned the historic Trump-Musk interview on Monday.

The US and Western countries have constructed a fake news media behemoth that rivals any other propaganda outlet in history.

Many “free” citizens in the West grew up learning about the bias of Pravda news during the Soviet days. And American children learned about free speech and the brutality and danger of tinpot dictatorships.

Unfortunately, those days are over and the West today is dominated by a well-organized multi-national propaganda service that punishes any opposing voices to official approved dogma and doctrine.

On Monday, top EU official Thierry Breton interfered with the 2024 US election and sent a threatening letter to Elon Musk before his interview with President Donald Trump.