
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s Contribution to the Instant Book “Globalisti Assassini”: OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO

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OMNIS POTESTAS A DEO is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s contribution to the instant book “Globalisti Assassini” published by Visione editore.

Globalisti Assassini reconstructs the bloody trail of politics, from JFK to Trump. A work that reveals conspiracies and intrigues in a fragile and manipulated democracy.

Post by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Having recourse to assassination as a tool to eliminate a political opponent, awakens in us a sense of rebellion that comes from the deepest fibers of our being, from that sense of violated justice that is the same that we feel in the face of the impunity of the guilty, the violent arrogance of his crimes. Unicuique suum tribuere: giving each what is due to him sums up the foundation of the natural Law that we see betrayed both by the failure to punish the guilty and by the persecution of the innocent and the weak.