
Can’t Make This Up! Democrats Kicked Joe Biden – The Sitting President – to Late Night on Monday Night of Convention…Then Chant “We Love Joe” After They Ousted Him from the Ticket in a Coup!

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Democrats pushed Joe Biden back to 11:30 PM to speak at the DNC Convention in Chicago. Joe was inroduced by his daughter who wrote about her inapprorpiate showers with her dad.

Democrats kept Old Joe Biden up late on Monday night to speak at their DNC Convention in Chicago.

Joe Biden was ousted as presidential candidate in a secret coup last month. On Monday he was pushed back to late night to speak to the convention.

Think about it – the sitting US President was only given a Monday night slot and it was at 11:30 PM! – Way past his bedtime.

The gaslighting was hot and heavy at the DNC tonight.

The crowd chanted,