
BREAKING: THE BIG LIE: 818,000 Jobs That Joe and Kamala Claimed to Have Created Aren’t Actually There! Largest Downward Revision to Employment in 15 Years

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The 818,000 jobs that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden claimed to have “created” over the last year aren’t actually there.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were cooking the books the whole time and lying to the American people.

The nonfarm payroll growth between April 2023 to March 2024 was revised down, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said on Wednesday.

That’s 68,000 fewer jobs per month – 115,000 fewer manufacturing jobs and 45,000 fewer construction jobs.

This is the largest downward revision in 15 years.

CNBC reported:

The U.S. economy created 818,000 fewer jobs than originally reported in the 12-month period through March 2024, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.