
Trump Responds on Biden-Harris Lie on Nearly 1 Million Phantom Jobs “Created” in the Last Year

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Biden-Harris’ Commerce Secretary, Gina Raimondo, has come under fire for her outrageous dismissal of the latest job statistics that expose the Biden-Harris administration’s deceitful narrative regarding job creation.

During an interview at the DNC convention in Chicago, Raimondo was confronted with these revelations but shockingly responded with disbelief. When asked about the BLS admission regarding nearly 1 million non-existent jobs, she stated: “No, when I hear that, first of all, I don’t believe it because I’ve never heard Donald Trump say anything truthful.” When pressed further by an ABC reporter about the legitimacy of the BLS report, she weakly replied, “I’m not familiar with that.”

In response to her blatant ignorance or possible dishonesty, the Trump campaign fired back: “Either Gina Raimondo Is Stupid Or She’s a Liar.”

This comes after a report revealing that nearly 1 million jobs claimed to have been created in the last year were nothing more than smoke and mirrors,