
WW3 WATCH: As Traditional Strategic Nuclear Deterrence Wears Off, Russian Doctrine Threshold Gets Lowered and Navy Trains for Preemptive Tactical Nuke Attacks

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There is no shortage of distressing developments in the present war in Europe.

But one of the most frightening of the list has to be the fact that the old and tried nuclear deterrence seem to have lost its effectiveness, clearing the way for kinetic displays of nuclear power in order to jolt the memory of the European leaderships as to the dangers of messing with the Russian bear.

Add to that the fact that Moscow’s ‘red lines’ have been breached one after another – as I write Ukraine is striking Russian territory with NATO weapons like there’s no tomorrow – and we can see how the situation has impossibly escalated.

It now has arisen that Russia has trained its navy to target sites deep inside Europe with nuclear-capable missiles in a potential – by now virtually certain – conflict with Nato

Financial Times reported:

“Moscow had rehearsed using tactical nuclear weapons in the early stages of a conflict with a major world power,