
BREAKING: Robert Kennedy Jr. OFFICIALLY Suspends Campaign But Keeps Door Open for White House Bid — Removes Name from 10 Battleground States

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Robert Kennedy Jr., a notable figure in the Democratic Party, announced that he is not terminating his 2024 presidential campaign but rather suspending it.

During a press conference, Kennedy made it clear that his decision to suspend rather than end his campaign is a calculated move to keep his name on the ballot in most states, while strategically removing it in key battleground states where his presence could tip the scales between the major party candidates.

“I want everyone to know that I am not terminating my campaign. I am simply suspending it and not ending it. My name will remain on the ballot in most states,” Kennedy stated. He went on to explain that his candidacy will remain an option for voters in blue and red states without the risk of significantly harming or helping either President Trump or Harris.