
Four-Star General Suspended by Army Demands Job Back, Claims Racism in Military

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This YouTube screen shot shows suspended 4-star Gen. Charles Hamilton, who is fighting to get his role back after a race-based grievance.

This YouTube screen shot shows suspended 4-star Gen. Charles Hamilton, who is fighting to get his role back after a race-based grievance.

A four-star general who was suspended after allegedly putting his hands on the scales concerning the promotion of a favored subordinate is now demanding his command be returned to him, claiming there is racism in these military processes.

Gen. Charles Hamilton, who was the head of U.S. Army Material Command before his March 22 suspension, is now asking to have his command reinstated.

Hamilton was originally suspended after pulling strings in promotion boards for the benefit of a black female lieutenant colonel, an intervention he claims was necessary to ensure fairness in supposedly racist military processes.

“I respectfully ask that you allow me to resume command and continue leading our soldiers and civilians in one of the Army’s most important and impactful commands,” Hamilton wrote to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth in a letter recently obtained by Military.com.