
Wake Up Sleepy Joe! Trump Trucks Drive Through California Town Located Just a Few Miles From Biden’s Vacation Spot and Loudly Blare Their Horns (VIDEO)

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Credit: @sasvoboda

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Joe Biden and his handler/wife, Jill Biden, jetted off for TWO vacations after Sleepy Joe’s disastrous speech at the DNC Convention last week.

Biden on Saturday was lounging in Santa Ynez, California, a Southern California town located in the heart of wine country and just 31 miles from Santa Barbara. He reportedly stayed with billionaire Democratic donor Joe Kiani’s estate.

A taxpayer-funded vacation while freeloading off of one of the wealthiest people in America. It must be nice to be a Biden.

Upon learning Biden would be in the area, some Trump fans thought it would be a good idea to go trolling.