
Clueless Jon Karl Gets Completely Humiliated by Tom Cotton After Denying Kamala Harris is a Radical Leftist and Claiming She Opposes Abolishing Private Health Care (VIDEO)

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Credit: @BrentHBaker

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) seemingly does not get the respect he deserves from conservatives despite his solid voting record, good relationship with President Trump and impressive media skills.

After his performance today on ABC, hopefully, more people on the right will take notice.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) was a guest on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday with liberal host Jon Karl to discuss a variety of issues related to the 2024 election. Cotton cleaned the seemingly unprepared host’s clock when the discussion turned to Kamala Harris.

Cotton immediately dropped the opposition research book on Karl, pointing out Harris’ plans to decriminalize illegal immigration,