
Pro-Illegal Immigration Kamala Harris Possibly Caught Using Trump’s Border Wall in TV Ad and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

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Credit: @MediumBuying

The most radical presidential nominee in American history is getting dragged online for using border walls in one of her TV ads, especially when some of the construction may have taken place during the Trump administration.

Earlier this month, Kamala Harris’ campaign started running a propaganda ad focused on “securing” America’s southern border by hiring more border agents while stopping fentanyl and human trafficking.

The ad also praised Harris for “prosecuting gang members” and pushing the “toughest border bill” in decades.

The adm, of course, makes no mention of the fact Harris allowed about 10 million illegal aliens to invade America in just three years as border czar.

She also does not mention the “tough border bill” would have granted amnesty to illegals.