
Lara Trump Reveals Only 50 of 700 GOP Poll Watchers Accepted in Detroit While Over 2,300 Democrats Were Allowed

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Credit: Fox News

In a revealing interview with Maria Bartiromo on Fox News, Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump exposed a startling disparity in the acceptance of Republican poll watchers in Detroit during the 2024 election cycle.

According to Trump, out of the 700 trained Republican poll watchers who applied in Wayne County, only 50 were accepted, while an overwhelming 2,300 Democrat poll watchers were allowed.

The interview came on the heels of a significant Supreme Court decision allowing Arizona to enforce its law requiring proof of citizenship to vote.

This ruling was a major victory for Republicans, who have been pushing for stricter voter ID laws to prevent non-citizens from influencing federal elections. Lara Trump praised the decision,