
Congressional Investigators Looking into Biden Administration Role in Change to Body Mutilation Guidelines

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Rachel Levine


This article originally appeared on WND.com

Guest by post by Bob Unruh

The ‘advocacy for expanding the pool of vulnerable children subjected to life-altering procedures they may later regret is reprehensible.’

There’s an organization called the World Professional Association for Transgender Health that promotes that particular ideology, the scientific impossibility that men can become women or vice versa.

It even offers “guidelines” for imposing such chemical alterations and body mutilations on children.

Now members of Congress are investigating whether the Biden-Harris administration tried to influence that group to remove age minimums for those surgical body invasions.

The Washington Stand reports it is the House Oversight Subcommittee on Health Care and Financial Services whose members are reviewing the Biden-Harris role in “shaping guidelines for the provision of gender transition procedures to both adults and minors.”

The New York Times previously confirmed federal Health and Human Services officials two years ago “lobbied” WPATH to take away age minimums.