
Absolute Failure: FBI Audit Reveals Just How Badly the Group Still Bungles Child Sex Abuse Cases

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The U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector’s General published the findings of an audit into the FBI’s handling of sex offenses against children on Thursday.

The findings did not paint the Federal Bureau of Investigation in a particularly favorable light.

The DOJ was very straightforward about the purpose of this audit: “The objective of this audit was to evaluate the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) compliance with laws, regulations, and policies related to its handling of tips of hands-on sex offenses against children and mandatory reporting of suspected child abuse.

“‘Hands-on’ sex offense is a term used to describe an offense that includes physical sexual contact.

“This audit was intended to follow up on issues identified in the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) July 2021 report on the FBI’s handling of allegations against Lawrence Gerard Nassar (OIG Nassar Report) and respond to congressional inquiries regarding the FBI’s practices to protect children.”

If the name “Nassar” rings a bell,