
The U.S. Air Force Awards a ‘Huge Win’ After Denying One of Its Own Religious Accommodation for the COVID Shot

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Image: Wikimedia Commons (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jason Couillard)

Previously speaking to the author using the pseudonym Corey Maverick, Air Force Col. Katheryn Ellis is going public with an update to her story. Emphasizing that her views do not reflect those of the Department of Defense or Department of the Air Force, Col. Ellis spoke to The Gateway Pundit about “a win” for Christian service members who opposed the once-mandated COVID-19 injection on the grounds of religion.

On October 21, 2021, Col. Ellis said she was “unlawfully relieved of command” of the 14th Medical Group at Columbus Air Force Base by Col. Seth W. Graham. In documentation reviewed by the author, the Air Force Review Boards Agency has essentially found that Col.