
Study: Incredibly Biased 2024 Convention Coverage From Taxpayer-Funded PBS, 72% of Coverage of RNC Was negative, 88% of Coverage of DNC was Positive

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In the aftermath of The Republican and Democratic conventions, Newsbusters has extensively studied the coverage provided by taxpayer-supported PBS.

The findings are exactly what one would expect from the far-left network.

According to the report, 72% of their coverage of the RNC was negative, and 88% of their coverage of the DNC was positive.

Key findings from Newsbusters’ study include:

  • Hostility for Republicans, Support for Democrats: PBS treated the RNC to 72% negative and 28% positive commentary. The DNC received far friendlier reception: 12% negative, 88% positive.
  • Question Tone for Republicans vs Democrats: 89% negative for Republican guests vs. 61% positive for Democratic guests; 68% negative for Republican delegates vs.