
Colorado Judge Forces Joe Oltmann to Give $1,000 a Day to Former Dominion VP Eric Coomer Until He Unveils His Source

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Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

Joe Oltmann and numerous conservatives were sued by former Dominion VP Eric Coomer in a defamation case in September 2021.

Eric Coomer decided to sue 15 organizations and people for defamation in his home state of Colorado. He claims to have been defamed by center-right journalists allegedly saying he was tied to Antifa, and that he helped rig the election against Trump.

Coomer is the Plaintiff, and a variety of center-right media outlets, including the Gateway Pundit and separately Gateway Pundit Publisher Jim Hoft, are Defendants.

Coomer’s limited deposition was taken on September 23, 2021, and the court acted on its own to seal the deposition without a hearing.