
WHOA! Metadata Reveals the Harris Campaign’s ‘Policy Page’ Is a Copy-and-Paste Hit Job From Joe Biden’s Campaign Website

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This is pathetic.

Kamala Harris waited more than 50 days since she stole Biden’s delegates and became the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee to release a ‘policy page’ on her campaign website.

Kamala Harris finally *in the dead of the night* released a ‘policy page’ on her campaign website dubbed “A New Way Forward.”

Harris’s ‘policies’ are merely catchphrases. She absurdly claimed she will lower taxes and secure the border.

We know Kamala Harris is to the left of Bernie Sanders, so how did she pivot to the center so quickly?

It turns out the Harris Campaign actually copied and pasted the policy page from Joe Biden’s campaign website!

Even the far-left hacks at TNR (The New Republic) went after Kamala Harris for stealing from Biden.