
The Lies of Kamala Harris in the Debate That Univisión and Telemundo Will NEVER Tell Hispanics. Compare and Debunk Them

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Last night’s debate was an indisputable victory both in style and substance for former president and presidential candidate Donald J. Trump, who behaved in a polite and respectful manner in front of a Vice President who continuously made faces and gestures aimed at provoking him. Trump, on the other hand, remained serious and focused throughout the debate.

At the end, Univisión and Telemundo had to rescue her… as usual, launching into fact-checking Trump’s statements, labeling them as «false,» while Kamala’s lies were merely «misleading» and not false. The discriminatory treatment toward Trump was truly regrettable.

Kamala also showed signs of fatigue and a loss of focus from the middle of the debate onward, despite receiving help from ABC moderators in a format where they never corrected Kamala but did so for Trump in real-time,