
British Premier Starmer Goes to Italy To Learn From PM Meloni How To Stop Migrant Boats From Reaching European Shores

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British Premier Keir Starmer and Giorgia Meloni, Italian Prime Minister.

As the whole of Europe sours on the once-treasured issue of the unchecked mass migration wrecking their social fabric, even the most ardent proponents of the cause are looking for ways to ditch this failed policy.

We see France’s Emmanuel Macron installing a conservative Prime Minister who is against migration, Germany’s Olaf Scholz instituting border checks, and now even leftist British Premier Keir Starmer going to Italy to learn from right-winger Giorgia Meloni how to deal with the endless influx of migrant boats arriving in their shores.

Starmer yesterday (16) praised the migration policies of Meloni as having made ‘remarkable progress’ in reducing the number of migrants reaching Italy’s shores by boat.