
Must Watch: Chicago Man Completely Destroys Biden-Harris Regime for City’s IIIegal Crisis: “This is Joe Biden’s Fault and Kamala Harris’s Fault” (Video)

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Chicagoans have become increasingly vocal about how the illegal crisis brought to the Windy City by the Biden-Harris regime is destroying a once-great city.

Thousands of illegals have arrived in the city over the past year by bus and plane, and millions in tax dollars have been poured into housing, healthcare, education, and living expenses to care for them.

But Marxist Mayor Brandon Johnson and his compliant, and complicit, City Council do not seem to care.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported the Chicago City Council recently blocked an effort to put the city’s sanctuary city status on the ballot during a meeting last week.

81-year-old Chicago resident George Blakemore exploded on the corrupt city council for allowing the needs of illegals to be prioritized over citizens.