
After Two Assassination Attempts and Iran’s New Threats, Whoopi Goldberg Compares Trump to a Bug — Followed by Joe Biden Mockingly “Squashing” One on Live TV!

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Screenshot: The View/ABC

Democrats like Joe Biden and the Hollywood elite are showing just how comfortable they are with stoking the flames of political violence.

During Biden’s first post-Democratic National Convention interview, the president appeared on the ABC talk show “The View,” where he discussed his decision to step aside from the 2024 race.

Instead of focusing on serious policy matters, Biden joined Goldberg in a disturbing spectacle that can only be described as tasteless.

After Goldberg referred to Trump as “a bug that just won’t go away,” Biden took the moment even further by pretending to squash a bug on the table, eliciting laughter from the liberal hosts and audience.

In the interview,