
China Rushes to Cover Up Humiliating Naval Loss, But Satellite Images Show They Weren’t Quick Enough

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A defense analyst posted photos of crane barges surrounding a "submarine-shaped" object under the water.

A defense analyst posted photos of crane barges surrounding a "submarine-shaped" object under the water.

In my youth, I ordered a cheap inflatable canoe from China. The vessel’s maiden voyage ended in disaster just 50 yards from the shore, when the placid waters of the Little Maumelle River proved too much for the rapidly-deflating canoe.

While this inland naval disaster appears to be a problem with the quality of the country’s exports, recent events have shown that the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy suffers from similar sinking problems.

And Beijing didn’t lose an inflatable dinghy to Davy Jones’ Locker, but its newest nuclear-powered attack submarine.

Attempts to cover up the humiliating loss have now been exposed by satellite imagery.

According to the Wall Street Journal,