
Sheriffs in Arizona Counties Refuse to Enforce State Law Making it a Crime for Migrants to Illegally Cross into the U.S. if Passed

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A U.S. Border Patrol agent uses personal protective equipment as he prepares to take a photo of an individual encountered near Sasabe, Ariz. on March 22, 2020. CBP Photo by Jerry Glaser

Arizona sheriffs are causing a political firestorm by refusing to enforce a proposed state law that would criminalize illegal crossings at the Arizona-Mexico border.

Proposition 314, set to appear on November’s ballot, seeks to empower local authorities to arrest and prosecute migrants who enter the U.S. illegally.

According to the Arizona legislature’s website:

Proposition 314 would establish criminal penalties against a person who is not lawfully present in the United States and who submits false documentation when both applying for public benefits and during the employment eligibility verification process.