
Speaker of Georgia Parliament Signs Into Law a Ban on LGBT Practices and Propaganda – Eastern European Country Doubles Down on Conservatism Despite Tremendous US and EU Pressure

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The Eastern European Country of Georgia has developed into a battlefield between conservatism and tradition and the multi-tentacle beast of Globalism.

Under phenomenal pressure from the United States and the European Union, the Georgian government is doubling down on its commitment to Christian values to the despair of a very vocal minority funded by Soros’ foreign NGOs.

After a months-long battle over a common-sense ‘foreign-agents bill’ – that is not unlike the US FARA legislation – today the speaker of the Georgian parliament signed into a law a bill that bans LGBT practices and propaganda in the country.

Associated Press reported:

“Shalva Papuashvili, the parliament speaker, said on social media that the legislation does ‘not reflect current,