
Biden’s Presidency Will Be Destroyed By His Foreign Policy if His Domestic Policies Don’t Do It First

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Kiev Continues On The War Path, Emboldened By False Promises. (Map Update)

Dementia Joe and his coterie of enablers have embarked on a foreign policy that is likely to result in a new war that will endanger America and further a growing perception that the United States is weak and divided. There are three troublesome flashpoints that could explode at any time and catapult our nation into a costly, deadly military confrontation (Ukraine, China and Iran). Topping the list is Ukraine.

The corrupt dealings in Ukraine over the last four years by Joe and Hunter Biden leaves them completely compromised and subject to coercion, even blackmail. With this as a backdrop, the decade-long effort by the United States to weaken Russia’s influence in eastern Ukraine has been revived with Biden’s arrival in the White House.