
Fake News 60 Minutes Runs Hit Piece on Oath Keepers that Is Complete Garbage — Here Is What the Oath Keeper Leader Told Us (VIDEO)

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The fascists and liars at “60 Minutes” never sleep.

On Sunday — fresh off of their fake news garbage hit piece on Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida — “60 Minutes” ran another hit piece against the leader of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes.

According to “60 Minutes,” Rhodes was outside the US Capitol on January 6th and therefore needs to be arrested.

On Friday, one of the 400+ people that have been charged in the January 6 Capitol attack entered the first guilty plea and agreed to cooperate. He’s a member of the Oath Keepers. New evidence suggests members stashed weapons at a nearby hotel. https://t.co/NXTLzVtLsq

— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) April 18,