
Germany’s Stasi Tactics: Pro-US “PI-News” under Surveillance for Criticizing Islam

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Protesting Radical Islam is now considered a crime in Germany

The German secret police are now surveilling leading pro-USA website PI-News for the crime of criticizing Islam and mass migration, as anti-American “Spiegel” magazine was happy to report.

by Richard Abelson

“Politically Incorrect” (PI-news.net) was founded on 11/11/2004 mainly to protest rampant anti-Americanism in German media. After the “Mohammed caricatures” incident sparked deadly Muslim riots worldwide 2008, it was the first news website to break the taboo of reporting critically about radical Islam. It is now the leading right-wing news site in Germany, with approx. 6 million pageviews a month. Even though it is censored on Facebook and Twitter, it ranks among the Top 100 news sites in the world,