
Largest US Refinery Shuts Two Crude Units in Port Arthur, Texas After Hackers Shut Down Colonial Pipeline: Reuters

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The largest US refinery shut two crude units in Port Arthur, Texas this weekend after hackers caused the Colonial Pipeline to shut down.

The “DarkSide” hacker gang began attacking the pipeline operator on Friday and stole massive amounts of data.

Reuters reported:

Motiva Enterprises LLC’s 607,000 barrel-per-day (bpd) Port Arthur, Texas, refinery shut the 195,000-bpd VPS-4 CDU and the 80,000-bpd VPS-2 CDU along with the 49,000-bpd reformer and 19,200-bpd lube oil hydrocracker, the people said.

Motiva declined to discuss the status of indvidual units at the Port Arthur refinery.

Temporary idling production on the two CDUs reduces production at the Motiva’s refinery by 45%.