
Mike Lindell PROVES He Was Invited To GOP Governor’s Dinner…Blames Governors Kemp and Ducey For Univiting Him

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Earlier today, Daniel Lippman of Politico wrote a hit piece on Mike Lindell.

100 Percent Fed Up – Instead of calling out the organizers of the Republican Governor’s Association meeting for inviting Mike to their event and then mysteriously and without explanation, asking him to leave, the Politico writer spent most of his time droning on about Mike’s relationship with Trump and Dominion’s lawsuit against him. Curiously, Mr. Lippman never mentions My Pillow’s $1.6 billion lawsuit against Dominion for violating their First Amendment Right to free speech.

Mike Lindell, ever the optimist, began our phone conversation about the Politico article with, “What a blessing this story is—it’s all over the news!” Seconds later, Mike was diving into the incredible story that Daniel Lippman twisted in an attempt to embarrass Mike Lindell and make him appear like an outcast in the party he most closely identifies with.