
REPORT: State of New York Subpoenas Twitter for Individuals Connected to “We Build the Wall” Organization

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On Tuesday the SDNY finally acted and removed Steve Bannon from the government’s case against the entrepreneurs who led the ‘We Build the Wall’ campaign. 

These individuals, including Bannon, solicited donations and built a section of the wall on the Southern Border.

Obama Judge Uses 200-year-old Ruling to Claim Bannon Was Guilty by Accepting President Trump’s Pardon – Then Dismisses Case

Bannon was pardoned by President Trump back on January 20th.

BREAKING: President Trump Gives Pardons to 73 Individuals and Commutes Another 70 Sentences – Steve Bannon Is Included

The DOJ fought the pardon in an attempt to ignore the law and President Trump’s pardon.  (Of course,