
The Auditors of the Windham, New Hampshire 2020 Election Results Audit Invited the President of the Voting Machine Company to the Audit – Why?

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Why did voting machine expert Harri Hursti invite the President of the firm who sold the machines to Windham, New Hampshire, to the audit, and was this proper?

It was computer scientist Dr. Harri Hursti who invited, LHS Associates’ President Jeff Silvestro directly onto the floor of the Windham, NH forensic audit of its 2020 election, in close proximity to the Diebold AccuVote Optical Scan (AV-OS) tabulators and their removable memory cards which were used in the 2020 election.

Windham’s residents and voters have been outraged that the man who services the town’s election machines has been allowed to be involved in the audit of those machines.

That this represents a conflict of interest is readily apparent to anyone as we reported a week ago:

Why Is the President of LHS Election Voting Machine Company Used in NH Allowed to be Present During the NH Audit?