
EXCLUSIVE: The Mainstream Media Is Waking Up to Our April 2020 Report – Coronavirus Research Moved to China Where Researcher Died from Virus Leak in 2017

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More than a year ago we reported news that is just making the headlines today:

UPDATE: Dr. Shi Zhengli Who Ran Coronavirus Research in Wuhan Had US Project Shut Down by DHS in 2014 for Being Too Risky – PRIOR LEAK KILLED RESEARCHER

Here is what we reported at The Gateway Pundit on Shi Zhengli in early April 2020.

Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a team that working on a coronavirus project jointly with US doctors in 2014 before it was shut down by the DHS for being too risky. 

After the US research project was shut down, Dr. Shi continued her coronavirus research in Wuhan, China.

Doctor Shi Zhengli from China was part of a team,