
Vax Pass Hits Canada: Tens of Thousands March in Montreal Against Vaccine Passports Ahead of Sept. 1 Rollout – (Video)

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Our neighbors to the north have finally had enough and are taking a stand against the radical tyrants who have restricted their freedoms throughout the past year.

Thousands of outraged citizens gathered in the streets of Montreal on Saturday to protest the coming implementation of a vaccine passport system that is set to rollout on September first. The mandatory papers will control individual access in a multitude of settings, such as events, bars, restaurants and gyms in an effort to force people into taking the experimental jab. 

NEW – Large protest against the domestic vaccine passport in #Montreal, Canada.pic.twitter.com/yXtYzTkEue

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) August 15, 2021


Protesters held signs that said “NO Vaccine Passports” as they chanted for their freedom.