
Biden Refuses to Take Questions From Reporters After Blaming Trump For His Afghanistan Disaster – Will Return to Camp David This Afternoon! (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden on Monday delivered a short speech on his Afghanistan disaster.

After mumbling through prepared remarks, blaming Trump and the Afghan security forces on his botched withdrawal, Biden fled the lectern without taking any questions from reporters.

Biden delivered the worst speech ever, said he stands by his decision to hastily withdraw from Afghanistan and admitted it ‘unfolded more quickly that he anticipated.’

After blaming everyone under the sun, Biden quickly took off as reporters shouted questions.

Joe Biden made sure to focus his speech on whether or not the US should be in an endless war in Afghanistan and purposely avoided talking about his disastrous withdrawal.


Here’s another angle showing the reporters shouting at Joe Biden as he walks away:

Biden takes no questions after his press briefing on Afghanistan.