
PATHETIC. RNC Releases New Report Confirming Democrat Election Cheating After Abandoning Trump and Telling NY Times in February They Regretted Claims of Fraud Back

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The RNC released a report on Thursday confirming election cheating by Democrats in the 2020 election.

This report comes after months of silence by the Republican Party after Democrats stole the November election from Trump.

And this also comes months after RNC Chair told The New York Times she was regretted allowing Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell’s claims of voter fraud.

DISGUSTING FLASHBACK: Mitt Romney Niece, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Tells Anti-Trump NYTs She Regrets Allowing Giuliani and Powell To Make Claims About Voter Fraud

The RNC has also been completely silent on the historic Maricopa County forensic audit.

The Republican Party is outdated, does not represent their voters, and is not up for the fight against the Marxist left.