
It Begins: Afghan Mothers Toss Their Babies to British Soldiers Outside Kabul Airport to Save Them from Taliban as Chaos Continues

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A scene from the Kabul Airport today. via FJ

Functional Afghan AF heli now being operated by Taliban in Herat.#Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/HgCcl5oD7s

— FJ (@Natsecjeff) August 19, 2021

Another frantic scene from outside the Kabul Airport. Women huddle with babies as bullets fly.

Another pretty crazy video from Kabul Airport has surfaced. #Afghanistan

BTW, TB has been stopping large crowds from entering airport in coordination with US. Large crowds entering the airport means more trouble for foreign troops there. pic.twitter.com/Tky3j476zB

— FJ (@Natsecjeff) August 19, 2021

The Daily Mail reported:

Ex-pats and western visa holders cannot get ‘anywhere near’ Kabul airport today because ‘huge crowds’ of ‘terrified locals’ are blocking the way,