
As Biden Continues Obama’s Plan to Close Gitmo, Hundreds of Former Detainees Have Returned to Terrorism and are Killing Americans Again

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Thanks to Biden-Obama, hundreds of the worlds most evil terrorists have been released from US custody and are now free to pursue their murderous revenge against the west.

According to US intelligence documents, A total of 229 “rehabbed” radical extremists have been released over the past few years and have returned to terrorism, some have already even been able to kill Americans.

What’s even more ridiculous – as Biden discreetly works to release more detainees – US forces now have the responsibility of tracking all of them down, but an astonishing 66% of them have evaded recapture and are still on the run.

Once again, Trump and the Gateway Pundit were right about the horrible decision to release these “vicious prisoners.”

Trump Was Right – Another Gitmo Prisoner Returns to Life of Terrorism


All part of the plan?