
AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: Smacks Down Fake News Bret Baier, AGAIN – The Media Stole This Election

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Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers laid some smack on Bret Baier who fraudulently declared the election results in Arizona before the polls were even closed.

There was fraud and it will be proven, but the media was in on the steal and they still are today.

In the past, she labeled Bret Baier fake news and demanded a recall of Arizona’s fraudulent electors.

Breaking: Arizona State Senator Demands Biden Electors be Recalled to Arizona and New Election Held Following Thursday’s Stunning Audit Revelations

On November 3, 2020, Bret Baier proclaimed that Biden has won Arizona long before the polls had even closed, sending many — still in line — home thinking there’s no longer a point in casting a ballot.