
EXCLUSIVE: Dr. Fauci Used Taxpayer Money to Have Dogs Tortured and Eaten Alive By Parasite Infected Flies in Tunisia (PHOTOS)

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The White Coat Waste Project, a taxpayer watchdog group, has provided The Gateway Pundit with new examples of Dr. Anthony Fauci facilitating cruel and unnecessary taxpayer funded experimentation on dogs — this time in Tunisia.

Documents uncovered by the organization found that the National Institutes of Health division that is led by Dr. Fauci shipped part of a $375,800 grant to the lab in Tunisia to infest beagles with parasites.

The grant money funded a study published last month that detailed the horror inflicted upon the unlucky dogs.

One of the tortures that the beagles were subjected to included locking their heads in mesh cages filled with infected sand flies so that the parasite-carrying insects could eat them alive.